Assistant Prof. Amalia Miklos
Professional experience
The Center for Advanced Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (CCAMF) of University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures
2016 – 2017
- Pharmacist
SC Sibpharmamed SRL
2015 – 2016
- Pharmacist
Education and training
Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures
2016 – present PhD student
- Specialist Pharmacist in Clinical Pharmacy, Assistant professor, PhD student
Additional information
Contests / Awards:
- 2010 – First place – Admission contest at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures
- 2014 – First place at the contest „Communicating with the patient”, International Scientific Congress Marisiensis
- 2015 – First place at the contest „Clinical skills”, International Scientific Congress Marisiensis – Third place with the scientific paper „Hyperprolactinemia and modern antipsychotics?“, International Scientific Congress Marisiensis
- 2015 – First place at the Residency exam, Clinical Pharmacy, November the 15th 2015
- 2016 – First place at the Doctoral admission contest, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures
- 2018 – ‘’Premiul pentru aportul deosebit în activitatea de cercetare stiintifica”, National Congress of Pharmacy, Romania, Bucharest, 26-29 september 2018.
List of scientific papers published between 2015 and present
Articles in extenso published in ISI rated journals with impact factor
- Tanase C, Domokos E, Cosarca S, Miklos A, Imre S, Domokos J, Dehelean CA, Study of ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Bark, BioResources, 2018, 13(2): 2247-2267. FI 1.334.
- Croitoru MD, Fülöp I, Miklos A, Hosszu B, Tatar VL, Muntean DL, Presence of nitrate and nitrite in vegetables grown for self-consumption, Farmacia, 2015, 63(4): 530-533 FI (2016) = 1.348. 3.
- Croitoru MD, Miklos A, Fogarasi E, Coman MM, Fulop I, Evaluation of the ingestion of parabens during the use of dental care products by healthy human volunteers, Farmacia, 2016, 64(4): 594-598.
- Vlase L, Imre S, Muntean DL, Osz BE, Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Vari CE, New LC-MS/MS method for testosterone and dihydrotestosterone analysis in male rat plasma, Farmacia, 2016, 64(6): 834-839, FI (2016) = 1.348
- Vari CE, Osz BE, Miklos A, Berbecaru-Iovan A, Tero-Vescan A, Aromatase inhibitors in men – off-label use, misuse, abuse and doping, Farmacia, 2016, 64(6): 813-818 FI (2016) = 1.348
- Imre S, Esianu S, Miklos A, Tiuca I, Dicher I, Tero-Vescan A, Muntean Dl, Oprean R, Qualitative Assays Of Essential Oils Of Lavender And Peppermint In Comercial Products Through Spectral And Chromatographic Methods, Farmacia, 2016, 64(6): 857-862 FI (2016) = 1.348
- Vari CE, Osz BE, Perian M, Marusteri Ms, Miklos A., Bosa P, Tero-Vescan A, Do aromatase inhibitors reduce fertility and impair sexual behaviour in an androgen doping model in rats?, Farmacia, 2017, 65(3):336-342. FI 1.348
- Fulop I, Vari CE, Miklos A, Imre S, LC-MS/MS ESI methods for the determination of oestrogens and androgens in biological matrix – a minireview, Farmacia, 2017, 65(4): 485-493. FI 1.348,
- Tanase C, Cosarca S, Toma F, Mare A, Man A, Miklos A, Imre S, Boz I, Antibacterial activities of Beech Bark (Fagus Sylvatica L.), polyphenolic extract, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2018, 17(4): 877-884. IF 1.096
- Tanase C, Cosarca S, Toma F, Mare A, Cosarca A, Man A, Miklos A, Imre S, Antibacterial activities of spruce bark (Picea abies L.) extract and its components against human pathogens, Revista de Chimie, 2018, 69(6): 1462-1467.
- Tero-Vescan A, Osz BE, Batrinu M, Miklos A, Filip C, Imre S, Vari CE, Water hardness key element in choosing between washing efficiency with enzyme detergent and the lifespan of the washing machine, Revista de Chimie, 2018, 69(12).
- Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Vari CE, Osz BE, Filip C, Rusz CM, Muntean DL, Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) in the context of doping, Farmacia, 2018, 66(5): 758-762. FI 1.348
Articles in extenso published in BDI/B+ journals
- Miklos A, Ciulea L, Vari CE, Imre S, Osz BE, Tero-Vescan A, The efficiency and safety of L-carnitine and caffeine after short- and long-term administration, Palestrica of the third millennium – Civilization and Sport, 2016, 17(3): 229–232.
- Tero-Vescan A, Filip C, Radoni R, Miklos A, Osz BE, Urinary biochemical parameters modified during periodic fasting, Acta Medica Transilvanica, 2017, 22(4): 13-15.
- Tero-Vescan A, Miklos A, Filip C, Rusz CM, Osz BE, Health Risks Of Combining Weight Loss Dietary Supplements With A Ketogenic Diet In Case Of Intense Physical Effort, Acta Medica Transilvanica, 2018, vol. 23(2):8-10.
- George J, Osz BE, Vancea S, Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, LC-MS Method for Determining Amiodarone and Desethylaminodarone in Rat Plasma Used in Endogenous Overdosing Conditions Following Lipolysis, Acta Medica Marisiensis, 2018; 64(3): 111-115.
- Filip C, Tero-Vescan A, Miklos A, Hotnog AD, Osz BE, Vegetal sprouts – are they a “living food”?, AMT, 2019, 24(1): 20-22.
- Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Farczádi L, Muntean DL, Development and Validation of an UHPLC Method for Ostarine Determination in Dietary Supplements, Acta Medica Marisiensis, ahead of print, DOI: 10.2478/amma-2019-0008.
Articles published in summary in volumes of national scientific events
- Miklos A, Rusz CM, Dogaru M, Vari CE, Hyperprolactinemia and modern antipsychotics?, The 19th International Scientific Congress for Students, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis 22-26 april 2015, AMM, 61(S2): 87.
- Tero-Vescan A, stefanescu R, Ciulea L, Miklos A, Vari CE, Osz BE, Imre S, Biochemical bases of using active substances of vegetal origin in dietary supplements for weight loss, Book of Abstracts, Romanian National Congress of Pharmacy, Bucuresti, 2016, 211. ISSN 2537 – 2823, ISSN-L 2537 – 2823 (e-poster CNFR 2016, Bucuresti, 28.09.2016-01.10.2016).
- Tanase C, Cosarca S, Toma F, Mare A, Man A, Miklos A, Imre S, Boz I, Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of beech bark (Fagus sylvatica L.) polyphenolic extract, 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering Romania, Iasi, 09 – 11 November 2016, Book of Abstracts, 2016 (format electronic).
- Vari CE, Osz BE, Imre S, Miklos A, Maier A, Tero-Vescan A, Pre-screening of cytochrome P450 enzyme activity. Alternative analytical methods to pharmacogenetic studies, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff, 8-9 December 2016, AMM, vol 62 (supl 8): 81.
- Miklos A., Vlase L., Dehelean C., Gliga L., Vari C.-E., Imre S., LC-MS/MS detection of testosterone in plasma without derivatisation. Comparison of different types of mass spectrometry detection, AMM, 2016, 62(supl.8): 7. EBSCO database journal. (prezentare orala).
- Jitca G, Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Osz BE, Determination of caffeine content in dietarySupplements for weight loss by a hplc-uv method. The 3rd International Sport Nutrition Conference “Transdisciplinary Research in Physical Therapy, Physical Activity and Sports Nutrition” Targu Mures, Romania 3-4 November 2017, AMM, Vol 63(3):66.
- Moldovan OL, Tero-Vescan A, Miklos A, Osz BE, Filip C, The use of soy proteins for junior athletes – between benefits and risks. The 3rd International Sport Nutrition Conference “Transdisciplinary Research in Physical Therapy, Physical Activity and Sports Nutrition” Targu Mures, Romania 3-4 November 2017, AMM, Vol 63(3):67.
- Hotnog AD, Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Filip C, The advantages of vegetal sprouts consumption in the modern diet. The 3rd International Sport Nutrition Conference “Transdisciplinary Research in Physical Therapy, Physical Activity and Sports Nutrition” Targu Mures, Romania 3-4 November 2017, AMM, Vol 63(3):57.
- Ardelean TD, Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Osz BE, Metabolic differences between women and men in sports, The 3rd International Sport Nutrition Conference “Transdisciplinary Research in Physical Therapy, Physical Activity and Sports Nutrition” Targu Mures, Romania 3-4 November 2017, AMM, Vol 63(3):63-64.
- Miklos A, Gliga L, Dehelean C, Vari CE, Imre S, Farczadi L, Development of a high-throughput LC-MS/MS method for the detection of testosterone in male rat plasma without derivatisation, AMM, 2017, 63 (S4): 10. ISSN 2068-3324, cod CNCSIS 103 B+. EBSCO database journal.
- Brihan D, Tero-Vescan A, Filip C, Miklos A, New approaches in food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, The 5th National Conference on Nutrition and Dietetics “Current nutritional approaches to food allergies and intolerances” Targu Mures, Romania May 4-5, 2018, AMM, vol 64 (21): 5.
- Hotnog AD, Filip C, Tero-Vescan A, Miklos A, Wheat sprouts consumption in food allergies, The 5th National Conference on Nutrition and Dietetics “Current nutritional approaches to food allergies and intolerances” Targu Mures, Romania May 4-5, 2018, AMM, vol 64 (21): 10.
- Moldovan OL, Tero-Vescan A, Miklos A, Filip C, Pharmaceutical counseling in lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy, The 5th National Conference on Nutrition and Dietetics “Current nutritional approaches to food allergies and intolerances” Targu Mures, Romania May 4-5, 2018, AMM, 64(21):12.
- stirbat A.E., Tero-Vescan A., Miklos A., Updates about phytoestrogens and their effects on the skin, Marisiensis Scientific Congress 2018, AMM, 64(1).
- Batrinu M., Tero-Vescan A., Miklos A., The influence of some chemical physical chemical parameters on the enzymatic activity of detergents on the romanian market, Marisiensis Scientific Congress 2018, AMM, 64(1): 82-83.
- Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Filip C, Oprea VC, Muntean DL, Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) – between therapy and doping, 2018, 27-28, a 4-a Conferinta Nationala de Medicina Aplicata la Educatie Fizica si Sport „Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj-Napoca.
- Miklos A, Farczádi L, Tero-Vescan A, Imre S, Muntean DL, Preliminary qualitative and quantitative studies of dietary supplements (capsules) with andarine to aid with the design of an animal doping model, Volum de rezumate, 2018, 1: 110-111, a 11-a Conferinta anuala a doctoranzilor si post-doctoranzilor, 10-14 decembrie, Targu Mures.
- Cuzuioc I, Miklos A, Filip C, Tero-Vescan A, Benefits and risks associated with beta-alanine dietary supplements used by professional and amateur athletes, AMM, International Congress for Students, Young Doctors and Pharmacists MARISIENSIS, 2019, 65 (S1): 55. ISSN 2068-3324, cod CNCSIS 103 B+. EBSCO database journal.
- Péterfi O, serban Gaz A, Miklos A, Determination of andarine using complexation with metal cation, by uv spectroscopy, AMM, International Congress for Students, Young Doctors and Pharmacists MARISIENSIS, 2019, 65 (S1): 67
- Crisan RE, Miklos A, Filip C, Tero-Vescan A, Study on the quality of “own-brand” products in a local supermarket, AMM, International Congress for Students, Young Doctors and Pharmacists MARISIENSIS, 2019, 65 (S1): 129.
Articles published in summary in volumes of international scientific events
- Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Batrinu M, Filip C, Vari CE, Osz BE, Imre S, Reactive enzyme based laundry detergents – a way of saving energy. The influence of water hardness om the cleaning efficiency, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19-22 march, 2018, Granada, Spania.
- Filip C, Miklos A, Tero-Vescan A, Studies regarding the content in live `nutrients of vegetal germs from different types of cultures`, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19-22th march, 2018, Granada, Spania.
- Tero-Vescan A, Vari CE, Osz BE, Miklos A, Imre S, Labeling dietary supplements – a possible source of therapeutic errors, 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 19-22th march, 2018, Granada, Spania
Grants/Mobility projects won by national competitions
- Mobility projects for researchers/UEFISCDI, Program PN III Development of the national research and development system, human resources subprogram, 1 september 2017-31 march 2018, project code 596/18.12.2017. (project director)
- Excellence through internationalization at University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures, project code CNFIS-FDI-2018-0195, The competition for projects funded by the Institutional Development Fund for state universities – FDI 2018, coordinated by The National Council for Financing Higher Education, Strategic financing area D2 – internationalization. Periode 21.05.2018-20.12.2018. Value 299.000 LEI, project director: Prof. Dr. Angela Borda. (member)
- Mobility projects for researchers /UEFISCDI, Program PN III Development of the national research and development system, human resources subprogram, 26 -30th november 2018, proiect code5445/13.06.2018 (project director).
- `Excelence in doctoral research, Strategies to strengthen the international impact of research in Doctoral Schools at UMFST Targu Mures`, CNFIS – FDI-2019-0198. Periode 13.05.2019-20.12.2019, research assistant (project member).
- Mobility projects for researchers/UEFISCDI, Program PN III Development of the national research and development system, human resources subprogram, 1-5th september 2019, project code 35/07.08.2019 (project director).
- Mobility projects for researchers/UEFISCDI, Program PN III Development of the national research and development system, human resources subprogram, 6-9th september 2019, project code 37/07.08.2019 (project director).
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