On October 29, 2021, a workshop on “Liver Surgery” was held for the first time at the Hamburg campus. During the event, students learned to perform surgery on the respective organs using pig livers and gall bladders. After a demonstration by the respective lecturer, they practiced, for example, the surgical removal of the gall bladder using tweezers and scissors. The gallbladder is a teardrop-shaped organ located below the liver that stores the bile produced by the liver.
The three groups into which the second- and third-year students were divided were led by Assoc. Prof. Mircea Muresan, MD, PhD, Assist. Ionut Balmos, MD, Ph and Assist. Nicolae Stanciu, MD, Ph. The prospective physicians thus gained their first insight into the practical work of liver surgery. As usual in such a workshop, the less experienced students benefited greatly from the more experienced ones, which was reflected, among other factors, in an intense collaboration between them. In addition, they received individual support from the experienced teaching staff.