ReachHigher with Dr. med. Thomas Schmitz

October 23, 2023
19:00 - 20:00
Event Series
ReachHigher with Dr. med. Thomas Schmitz

Lecture: “Treatment of Aortic Stenosis – Past – Present- Future” (Lecture Language: English)

On October 23, 2023, Dr. med. Thomas Schmitz from the Essen UMFST-UMCH Teaching Hospital, the Elisabeth Hospital, will be a guest at ReachHigher in Hamburg. In an exciting lecture entitled “Treatment of Aortic Stenosis – Past – Present – Future”, the Chief Physician of the Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology at the Elisabeth Hospital will report comprehensively on the development, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of aortic stenosis.

A special focus of the ReachHigher lecture will be on the innovative and promising TAVI procedure (transcatheter aortic valve implantation), which has established itself as a significant therapeutic option in clinical practice. Dr. Schmitz, who is a renowned expert in the field of aortic stenosis, will illustrate this by means of a LIAB case (“LIVE in a box”), thus providing attendees with valuable insights into this advanced technique. The lecture offers a unique opportunity to deepen the understanding of aortic stenosis and its multifaceted treatment and to learn about the latest medical research in this field.

Dr. Schmitz is, in addition to his position as Chief Physician as well as his function as Head Physician of Interventional Cardiology at the Elisabeth Hospital in Essen, also spokesman of the Interventional Cardiology Working Group (AGIK, short for “Arbeitsgruppe Interventionelle Kardiologie”) of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK, short for “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie”).


Entertaining, innovative and condensed: At ReachHigher, experts from a network of extraordinary personalities give lectures on the topics of medicine and research as well as leadership/motivation.

UMFST-UMCH’s ReachHigher lecture series pushes and strengthens the know-how of our students as well as their personal development – beyond their daily schedule. We look forward to accompanying you on your individual way to self-realization!

Learn more about it!