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Recognition and Quality Assurance at UMFST Neumarkt a.M.

Accreditations and Certifications as Marks of the Highest Quality and Reliability

UMFST of Targu Mures meets the highest quality standards

Official Accreditation

UMFST of Targu Mures is accredited by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS). ARACIS is a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The university is distinguished by having been given the highest status, H+, by anabin an info portal of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the federal states in Germany for evaluating foreign educational qualifications, meaning it is recognized as a university in Germany. In 2013 and 2017, the university was evaluated by the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) conducted by the European University Association (EUA). Additionally, the quality management standard (ISO 9001: 2015) certified by TÜV AUSTRIA CERT GMBH was introduced.

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Official Accreditation & International Recognition of the Degree

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Official Accreditation

Institutional Accreditation

UMFST of Targu Mures is institutionally accredited by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS). ARACIS is a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). As a branch campus, UMFST-UMCH in Hamburg does not require additional independent institutional accreditation.

Status in Germany

The university is marked with the highest status H+ by anabin (an info portal issued by the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in Germany evaluating foreign educational qualifications).

Program Accreditation

The Human Medicine program in English at UMFST-UMCH meets all legal requirements and has successfully achieved the first accreditation stage in an ongoing accreditation process similar to that which takes place in Germany and other countries following a comprehensive evaluation (Provisional Authorization). The second stage (Accreditation) is reached two years after the graduation of the first cohort.

Degree Recognition and Comparability of Study Achievements

Automatic Recognition in Europe

The six-year medical program at UMFST-UMCH leads to a university degree in Human Medicine, which corresponds to the professional qualification listed in Annex V of the EU Professional Recognition Directive. This qualification is equivalent to other listed medical degrees from EU member states, such as the German medical state examination (Staatsexamen) or the Italian Diploma di laurea in medicinae chirurgia. This equivalency forms the basis for licensing within the EU and many other countries.

Certification for the USA & Canada

UMFST of Targu Mures is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS). FAIMER School ID: F0000226. In 2023, both English-language medical programs for international students at UMFST were accredited by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), recognized by the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). This accreditation is a prerequisite for listing in the World Directory of Medical Schools, enabling students to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and pursue careers in the USA & Canada.


During their studies, students acquire a total of 360 ECTS credits (60 ECTS credits per academic year), allowing for international comparability of academic achievements. Nonetheless, the medical program at UMFST-UMCH is a self-contained academic program, which does not generally allow or only partially allows for transfers to other study systems.

Success Through Quality Assurance and International Standards at UMCH

Joint Message from the Rector and the Prorector

Dear Prospective Students,

Since its founding, UMCH in Hamburg has been inspected multiple times by ARACIS, the state accreditation agency of Romania. As a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), which includes the German Accreditation Council and the German Rectors' Conference, ARACIS ensures the high quality of our education through these regular visits and evaluations. These reviews, along with our comprehensive internal measures, contribute significantly to the continuous quality development of UMCH as a branch campus of UMFST of Targu Mures The recent evaluation by ARACIS has, fortunately, allowed us to increase the number of study places in the Medicine program at UMCH.

We are proud that our university at UMCH offers an innovative curriculum that combines theoretical and practical learning units closely and consciously distinguishes itself in its structure from the curricula of German state universities. Our 6-year medical program, conducted both at the Hamburg campus and in our affiliated German teaching hospitals, is a self-contained program that does not allow for transfers to a German state university during the course of study.

Our university is recognized in Germany as a university, marked with the highest status H+ by anabin, an info portal issued by the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. The degree our students receive after successfully completing the 6-year medical program at UMCH is equivalent to the German state examination under EU regulations, and thus eligible for licensure in Germany. This has been confirmed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Science in a letter dated February 10, 2021: “UMFST of Targu Mures offers an English-language program in Medicine in Hamburg/Germany in accordance with applicable law, and has the authority to award the Romanian state degree upon completion of this six-year program, as listed in Annex V of the EU Directive on professional recognition.”

Hamburg, May 20th, 2021

Prof. Leonard Azamfirei MD, PhDUniversity Rector of UMCH
Assoc. Prof. Simona Muresan MD, PhDVice-Rector of UMCH
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Prof. Leonard Azamfirei MD, PhDUniversity Rector of UMCH
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Assoc. Prof. Simona Muresan MD, PhDVice-Rector of UMCH