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The Medicine Degree Program
Overview of Program Information
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Overview of Program Information

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The Degree Program

Overview of the Course Structure, Content, and Program Outline

Medicine Program

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Structured Medical Degree Program

Your Study Roadmap

The UMCH study program is divided into two phases: pre-clinical training in the first two years and clinical training in the last four years. In the pre-clinical phase, students acquire theoretical foundations in subjects such as biology, chemistry, and anatomy. From the third year onwards, the clinical phase begins, where practice-oriented teaching is provided through our extensive network of teaching institutions. This course structure combines theoretical and practical content to ensure a comprehensive medical education.

Quick Facts about Studying at UMCH

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Program Start

Annually at the end of September

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Language of Instruction

English for classes

(German in teaching hospitals)

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Duration of Study

6 years (12 semesters)

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ECTS Credits

360 ECTS credits

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Admission Requirements

High School diploma

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Admission Process

Online application, motivation-based interview & short evaluation in English

Overview of the Program Outline

Course Progression

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Pre-Clinical Phase

Years 1 and 2

The first two years, known as the pre-clinical phase, prepare students for the clinical part of medical studies. Instruction is primarily in the form of lectures and seminars, with an emphasis on foundational subjects that lay the scientific groundwork for the years ahead. Key topics include biochemical, biophysical, molecular, and cell biology. Additionally, students learn about the anatomical and physiological structures of the human body.

Other important topics in the pre-clinical phase include medical sociology and psychology, doctor-patient communication, and medical terminology. In this phase, students gain initial insights into the medical profession and acquire the necessary medical and scientific knowledge for the clinical part of the program. Unlike at German public universities, the pre-clinical phase at UMCH does not end with a preliminary examination.

From the first two years onwards, students can choose from a variety of elective courses to deepen their knowledge in specific medical fields. A multi-week nursing internship provides students with their first insights into hospital life and promotes patient contact. Modules are completed with multiple-choice tests and practical exams to evaluate the students' theoretical and practical knowledge. During summer, two-week modules, such as anatomy or pathology courses, offer more hands-on experience.

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Clinical Phase

Years 3 to 6

The clinical phase at UMCH spans the third to sixth years and focuses on the various diseases of the human body. During this phase, students first acquire theoretical knowledge of clinical medicine over six to ten-week periods. This knowledge is then deepened through hospital internships at UMCH teaching hospitals, where students gain hands-on experience in small groups of up to ten. They learn direct patient care and get insights into different medical specialties.

Core subjects in this phase include pathology, immunology, pharmacology, neurology, ophthalmology, ENT, gynecology, urology, and pulmonology. Additionally, students cover interdisciplinary subjects such as emergency medicine and an introduction to imaging techniques like CT, ultrasound, and X-ray.

The clinical study phase concludes with a thesis and a written medical final examination. Additionally, students can select from a variety of elective courses during their studies to deepen their knowledge in specific areas and acquire practical skills. Each module is completed with multiple-choice tests and practical exams to evaluate theoretical and practical knowledge. During summer, two-week modules such as anatomy or pathology courses allow for in-depth practical experience.

A Clear Structure for Your Success in Medical Studies

Program Structure


Overview of Program Content

Program Content

The UMCH medical program spans six years, providing students with comprehensive training in topics ranging from medical fundamentals to specialized fields such as pharmacology and surgery, infectious diseases, and forensic medicine. The curriculum balances theoretical knowledge and practical application in a clinical context.

1st Year of Study

The first year of study serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of medicine. It provides essential knowledge of the human body, focusing on anatomy, physiology, cell and molecular biology, as well as biochemistry. Students learn to apply preclinical knowledge in the context of clinical questions.
The first year of study serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of medicine. It provides essential knowledge of the human body, focusing on anatomy, physiology, cell and molecular biology, as well as biochemistry. Students learn to apply preclinical knowledge in the context of clinical questions.

Some of the Preclinical Subjects of the 1st Year of Study:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Medical Informatics
  • Medical Biostatistics

2nd Year of Study

In the second year of study, students engage with topics such as genetics and histology, while also covering areas like first aid and doctor-patient communication. The second year serves as an orientation for the clinical phase beginning in the third year. During this year, students choose their teaching hospital and have their first interactions with their future teaching hospital.
In the second year of study, students engage with topics such as genetics and histology, while also covering areas like first aid and doctor-patient communication. The second year serves as an orientation for the clinical phase beginning in the third year. During this year, students choose their teaching hospital and have their first interactions with their future teaching hospital.

Some of the Preclinical Subjects of the 2nd Year of Study:

  • Orthopedics & Trauma Surgery
  • Cardiology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Radiology
  • General Surgery
  • Occupational Medicine

3nd Year of Study

Starting in the third year, the clinical phase begins. From this year onward, students participate in a practical phase at their designated teaching hospital in addition to campus-based courses. Students are practically prepared on campus before moving to the teaching hospital for introductory clinical core subjects, including internal medicine and surgery.
Starting in the third year, the clinical phase begins. From this year onward, students participate in a practical phase at their designated teaching hospital in addition to campus-based courses. Students are practically prepared on campus before moving to the teaching hospital for introductory clinical core subjects, including internal medicine and surgery.

In addition to the clinical subjects, the following courses are taught in the 3rd year:

  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pathophysiology
  • Bacteriology
  • Hygiene
  • Scientific Research Skills

4nd Year of Study

In the fourth year, the focus becomes particularly practice-oriented: within the clinical phase, students go through specific clinical specialties for the first time. These specialties are taught theoretically on campus with practical exercises and case studies, allowing students to apply their knowledge practically in the teaching hospital. The specialties include both surgical and internal medicine areas. Throughout all study years, students have the opportunity to focus on specific areas through elective courses.
In the fourth year, the focus becomes particularly practice-oriented: within the clinical phase, students go through specific clinical specialties for the first time. These specialties are taught theoretically on campus with practical exercises and case studies, allowing students to apply their knowledge practically in the teaching hospital. The specialties include both surgical and internal medicine areas. Throughout all study years, students have the opportunity to focus on specific areas through elective courses.

Subjects in the 4th year include, among others:

  • Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
  • Cardiology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Radiology
  • General Surgery
  • Occupational Medicine

5nd Year of Study

The course offerings in the fifth year include both theoretical and practical components on campus and in the teaching hospital. Key areas of focus are gastroenterology, pediatrics, neurology, as well as anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Students gain insights not only in the teaching hospital but also in practical healthcare settings.
The course offerings in the fifth year include both theoretical and practical components on campus and in the teaching hospital. Key areas of focus are gastroenterology, pediatrics, neurology, as well as anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Students gain insights not only in the teaching hospital but also in practical healthcare settings.

In addition to the main subjects, the 5th year includes, for example:

  • Dermatology
  • Rheumatology
  • Nephrology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Radiology
  • General Surgery
  • Occupational Medicine

6nd Year of Study

In the final year before graduation, students work on a research thesis and study topics such as primary care, health management, epidemiology, and public health. This final year also serves to prepare students for their final exams.
In the final year before graduation, students work on a research thesis and study topics such as primary care, health management, epidemiology, and public health. This final year also serves to prepare students for their final exams.

Additional theoretical and practical subjects in the last year include, for example:

  • Gynecology
  • General Medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • Infectious Diseases

Holistic Medicine in Clinical and Pre-Clinical Areas

The UMFST-UMCH Curriculum

A Comprehensive Medical Program

The UMCH medical curriculum offers a foundational education in all essential medical disciplines. Over 12 semesters, students are taught in both clinical and pre-clinical subjects, optimally combining theory and practice.

The downloadable document provides an overview of the program's organizational and content structure and lists the required and elective courses.

Customize Your Studies with a Variety of Elective Courses

Diverse Elective Courses

The Perfect Complement

In addition to the core subjects, the curriculum includes numerous elective courses that perfectly complement the program. This enables students to focus early on areas of interest and lay the groundwork for future specialization. Each year, at least one elective must be taken, though multiple courses are possible.

Your Path to a Successful Medical Education

Academic Year 2024/2025

The academic year at UMCH consists of a combination of theoretical lectures and practical training phases, supplemented by exams and summer modules. Starting from the third year, theoretical instruction is regularly complemented by clinical internships in teaching hospitals.

1st -2nd Year

3rd Year

4th -5th Year

6th Year

Staying Healthy and Fit Throughout Your Studies

Curricular Physical Education

The mandatory, evidence-based, and primarily practical physical education offered at UMCH in the first two years aims primarily at developing physical fitness. Additionally, it seeks to encourage or maintain students' interest in independent exercise and sports activities while enhancing mental and physical performance. The character-building and interpersonal component of shared physical education greatly benefits UMCH students in their future careers, where social skills are essential.

More detailed information on the scope and schedule of physical education can be found under 'Physical Education' in the UMCH curriculum.

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