New teaching hospital – Werra-Meissner Clinic becomes UMCH training facility

March 1, 2021

UMCH teaching hospital Werra-MeißnerThe Werra-Meissner Clinic is now cooperating with UMCH. As a practical training center for our medical students, the hospital offers a variety of opportunities to gain insight into everyday hospital life and initial practical experience. Around 55,000 patients are treated here each year – 19,000 of them as inpatients and 36,000 as outpatients. The hospital employs over 1,000 staff and, as a municipal hospital, provides standard and basic medical care in the Werra-Meissner region. The Werra-Meissner Clinic has two sites, in Eschwege and Witzenhausen. The site in Eschwege with its 15 specialist departments not only has all the essential medical specialties, but also has its own specialist department for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. This ensures psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment for the entire region. The Werra-Meissner Clinic also includes a Vascular Center and an Obesity Center as well as a Urology and ENT Inpatient Department. Inpatient and outpatient treatment offers in the areas of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Medicine round off the hospital portfolio.