UMCH is divided into various levels and areas to ensure efficient administration and academic organization. Here you can learn more about the detailed organizational structure of the campus and the overarching organizational levels of UMFST. This structure enables optimal coordination between individual departments and smooth implementation of the study program. It also ensures that students receive the best possible support at all times.
The UMFST Neumarkt a. M. and its German branch, the UMCH in Hamburg, are structured at various levels and in different areas.
Our university is led by the rectorship and deanship. It includes the rector as chairman, as well as others. The rectorship and deanship at UMCH stand for excellent academic leadership and provide.
All instructors at a glance. Our educators are experienced professionals and experts who impart solid knowledge and practical skills to the students.
The campus administration team is divided into various areas to efficiently manage the diverse requirements.