On December 14, 2023, the UMCH Charity Club proudly presented a donation of € 1000 to Monika Bohrmann from the Hamburg Cancer Society (Hamburger Krebsgesellschaft e.V.). The symbolic gesture was carried out by Esther Böhner from the marketing department of the campus administration and Melody-Tara Shahamat, a member of the Charity Club.
The impressive donation total came about thanks to a generous boost to the student initiative from the Campus Management. Appeals for donations at various events, including the Holly Jolly Christmas Lunch Break and a lecture by Melody, in which she shared her personal experiences in the fight against blood cancer with her fellow students, contributed to this considerable sum. Many thanks to each and every one who helped make this excellent result possible.
Notably, more than 50 new stem cell donors were registered to fight blood cancer after Melody’s talk entitled “An introduction to blood cancer and stem cell transplantation”. The event, which took place on December 6, 2023, provided insights into Melody’s personal experience with the disease. Afterwards, participants had the opportunity to register as potential stem cell donors with the German Bone Marrow Donor File (Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei) and make a donation to the Hamburg Cancer Society in exchange for a warm punch.