Gain valuable experience abroad


Gain valuable experience abroad

More internationality in your studies

At UMCH great importance is attached to internationality. This is reflected in the fact that classes are held in English and students from the various countries meet on campus in the pulsating metropolis of Hamburg. UMCH also participates in the Europe-wide ERASMUS program, thus enabling you to spend part of your study time in another exciting place.

Numerous advantages – without loss of time

During your time abroad you will be able to establish valuable contacts and start building an international network. Furthermore, you will gain exciting insights into an additional university and health-care system. You will therefore benefit greatly from such a stay abroad on both a private and professional level.

Since you do not lose any time by participating in the ERASMUS program, you do not need to worry about a possible delay of your degree. The amount of ECTS points earned during your stay abroad will be recognized at UMCH, so that afterwards you can continue your studies seamlessly.

Quick facts

When can I go abroad?

In order to participate in the ERASMUS program, you can apply for a place at one of the more than 50 universities from which you can choose, starting with your 5th semester. A complete and up-to-date list of all partner universities can be found here

How long can I go abroad?

During the summer semesters you can complete a three-month clinical internship (a maximum of two times in the six years of your studies) and/or apply for a university stay of one or two semesters at one of our partner universities.

When can I apply for an ERASMUS place?

There is a call for applications twice a year when you can apply for an ERASMUS placement – in the periods April/May and October/November.

Which documents do I have to submit?

The required documents to be submitted with an application include a letter of motivation, a Europass Curriculum Vitae, the current Transcript of Records and copies of any academic publications by students.

Do you have any questions?

If you are already studying at UMCH and would like to participate in the ERASMUS program, please call +49 (0) 40 20934850-81 or send an e-mail to Angela Reiners (Head of Student Secretariat) at

If you have any questions regarding an upcoming or ongoing application for a place at UMCH, please contact our student advisors at +49 (0) 40 20934850-82.

Angela Reiners

Student Secretariat
