UMCH students save lives for second time: high participation rate at blood donation campaign on campus

March 12, 2021

On March 11, 2021, a big blood donation campaign conducted by the German Red Cross took place for the second time at the UMCH campus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld. Since around 15,000 blood donations are needed every day throughout Germany to treat serious diseases such as cancer or to care for accident victims, we are particularly proud of the large number of students who participated in the campaign.

Before the actual procedure, the students were examined by a doctor from the German Red Cross to determine their individual suitability to donate blood. As part of the health check, the participants’ pulse, blood pressure and body temperature were monitored, and their hemoglobin level measured. Afterwards, approximately 500 milliliters of blood were drawn from the crook of the donor’s arm. Due to the Corona pandemic, stricter hygiene rules apply at the German Red Cross and on the UMCH campus. Therefore, employees paid special attention to strict adherence to protocol during the donation campaign. As a reward for their efforts, the potential lifesavers received a goodie bag after donating.

Those who could not participate yesterday will get the next opportunity to donate blood on October 14, 2021. On that date, another joint blood donation campaign with the German Red Cross will take place on campus.
