Your welcome gift for the beginning of your studies at UMCH
Acting, painting, photography, installation, design, fashion, history, film, music and more: No matter whether you like to round off your evenings with occasional visits to the theater or spend the weekends going to museums and the movies – no problem with your personal culture pass.
My culture pass
In order for you to experience the various facets of Hamburg in your free time, within the scope of the diverse cultural landscape of Hamburg, all UMCH students receive their own culture pass (“Freikarte”), with which they are able to visit a total of 42 cultural institutions in Hamburg free of charge.
Here’s how it works
At the beginning of the academic year you will be given your personal culture pass in the form of a card. Afterwards, you only need to show it when you visit one of the many cultural sites, where the card gives you free admission. It is important that you write your name on the culture pass and show it together with your student card. Please also note that the first come, first served principle applies to events with a limited number of tickets. Meaning: From 30 minutes before the start of the event, you will receive a ticket to the respective event at the counter. However, only while stocks last.
You can choose from a large list of cultural sites and visit your favorite museums, theaters and cinemas as often as you like at certain times of the year. Current dates can be found on the “Freikarte” website.
Here you can enter for free with your culture pass
- 3001 Kino
- Abaton Kino
- Alma Hoppe Lustspielhaus
- Altonaer Museum
- Altonaer Theater
- Archäologisches Museum Hamburg
- Bucerius Kunst Forum
- Deichtorhallen Hamburg
- Deutsches Schauspielhaus
- Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
- Ensemble Resonanz
- Ernst Deutsch Theater
- Forum für Künstlernachlässe
- Haarburger Theater
- Hamburger Ballett – John Neumeier
- Hamburger Kammerspiele
- Hamburger Kunsthalle
- Hamburger Sprechwerk
- Institut Francais
- Jenisch Haus
- Kampnagel
- Kellertheater Hamburg
- Kramer-Witwen-Wohnung
- Kunstverein in Hamburg
- Laeiszhalle Hamburg
- Lichthof Theater
- Literaturhaus Hamburg
- Markk – Museum am Rothenbaum
- Museum der Arbeit
- Museum für Bergedorf und die Vierlande
- Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte
- Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
- NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester
- Ohnsorg Theater
- Planetarium Hamburg
- Polizeimuseum Hamburg
- Sankt Pauli Museum
- St. Pauli Theater
- Staatsoper Hamburg
- Symphoniker Hamburg
- Thalia in der Gaußstraße
- Thalia Theater