Academic Research

Close integration of research and teaching

Part of the medical progress

The UMFST of Targu Mures, with its more than 11,000 students, is not only the largest, but also the most research-intensive medical institution of higher education in Romania. The University contributes significantly to the further development of evidence-based medicine. With the help of new technologies and diagnostic and therapeutic methods developed by the university’s research groups, health risk factors can be identified at an early stage and the treatment of those affected can be continuously improved. With the help of new technologies as well as diagnostic and therapeutic methods, diseases can be detected at an early stage and their treatment can be continuously improved. Alongside high-quality teaching, research activities represent a core area of the University’ s activities.

Shaping the future of medicine together

At the Hamburg campus, science and teaching are also closely intertwined. UMCH’s lecturers actively pursue their research mission and supervise their own research projects. UMCH students benefit significantly from this, as they learn closely to research, and the latest results continuously influence the teaching. In addition to its own interdisciplinary and interfaculty working groups in the field of basic and clinical research, the University relies on cooperation with international experts within the framework of more than 150 collaborations with university and external research institutions. The University’s agenda is to support cutting-edge research and innovative development and to deepen cooperation with industry, scientific institutions and society. The results of the intensive research work give rise to patents and publications, which are regularly presented at national and international specialist congresses.

Abstracts of all papers presented during the UMFST-UMCH Days 2024 were published in the special supplement of the journal “Acta Marisiensis seria Medica”.

During the UMFST-UMCH Days 2024, students had the opportunity to submit abstracts addressing research-related issues in medicine. The promotion of research is of high importance at UMFST-UMCH and the Scientific Sessions on that took place as part of the university days specifically helped to support students in this area.

Students presented a variety of topics in short talks in the auditorium of the Hamburg campus, which impressed the committees. A clinical and a pre-clinical committee judged the students’ work and selected the winners of the Scientific Sessions.

We are proud to announce that a summary of all submitted abstracts has been published in the supplement of the journal “Acta Marisiensis seria Medica”. The corresponding news article can be found here.

Latest News about Research

31. August 2023
Debut in Germany – 3rd Medical Student World Congress of Neurosurgery at the UMCH Campus in Hamburg
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17. May 2023
UMFST-UMCH Days 2023 – Research Day for Medical Students
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20. January 2023
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21. October 2022
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30. May 2022
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20. May 2022
Launch of the UMFST-UMCH Research Group in Advanced Biochemistry
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Scientific publications in extenso in 2022

Scientific publications in extenso in 2021

Scientific publications in extenso in 2020

Scientific publications in extenso in 2019

Research priorities and externally funded
research projects in the field of medicine

  • Development of an integrative polygenetic score for prognosis in patients with acute myeloid leukemia using complex genomic approaches – Scientific direction: Prof. Dr. Claudia Banescu, UMFST of Targu Mures, Romania – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Investigation of the efficacy of hyperthermic intravesical administration of epirubicin in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer – Scientific direction: Conf. univ. dr. habil. Vartolomei Mihai Dorin, UMFST of Targu Mures, Romania – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Microfragmented adipose tissue as a therapeutic agent for cancer – Scientific direction: Giulio Alessandri, University of Brescia and Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Italy – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Tissue engineering for regeneration or replacement of heart valves – Scientific direction: Prof. Dr. Dan Simionescu, Clemson University, USA – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Small diameter RVOT conduits with high regenerative potential for pediatric patients – Scientific direction: Prof. Dr. Dan Simionescu, Clemson University, USA – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Identification of key mechanisms of innate immunity for optimal risk assessment and identification of new therapeutic options in myocardial infarction – Scientific direction: Associate Prof. Dr. Alexandru Schiopu, Lund University, Sweden – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • CRP therapy for stroke-related dementia – Scientific direction: Prof. Dr. Mark Anthony Slevin, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Novel CRP inhibitors and dissociation blockers for therapeutic use in cardiovascular disease – Scientific direction: Prof. Dr. Mark Anthony Slevin, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Clusterin as a new therapeutic agent for neurogenerative diseases – Scientific direction: Prof. Dr. Roxana O Carare, University of Southampton, UK – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
  • Coating and surface modifications of nanoimplants for medical use – Scientific direction: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Ildiko, UMFST of Targu Mures, Romania – Host institution: UMFST of Targu Mures
Junior Researcher Academy

In order to get students excited about research, the Junior Researcher Academy was created: a series of events in which students are taught the basics as well as new perspectives of scientific work in medicine. In addition, they are involved in university research groups and can be present when theses are established and verified or promising medical approaches and innovations are implemented. In this way, UMCH students not only develop a scientific sensibility, but also learn to work in international and interdisciplinary teams. Students who wish to pursue a career in research receive extensive support in this endeavor. Various formats are offered as part of the Junior Researcher Academy, such as meetups, workshops, trainings and hackathons, where students are also given the opportunity to meet like-minded people and build a community of research enthusiasts.

Our PhD program

We promote committed and highly qualified young researchers. After completing their studies, our students therefore have the opportunity to complete a four-year doctoral program leading to the “PhD” degree. It can be completed entirely from Germany. The program is open to graduates of UMCH as well as other universities in Germany and abroad, and is designed for those who wish to additionally acquire the qualifications for a career in research during their time as a resident. Within the framework of the program, our doctoral students undergo extensive methodological, professional and academic training, thus laying the foundation for a successful career in the scientific field. During their doctorate, they devote themselves to a research project, attend special accompanying events and are given the opportunity to be involved in teaching.

Your contact persons on the subject of research


Assoc. Prof. Peter Olah, PhD

Vice Rector for Research

(UMFST of Targu Mures)

Assoc. Prof. Amelia Tero-Vescan, PhD

Vice Dean for Research

(Faculty of Medicine in English / UMCH)