UMCH’s Spanish network of teaching hospitals
In addition to our nationwide network of teaching hospitals in Germany, we also collaborate with a range of hospitals and clinics in Spain. This provides students with the opportunity to gain insights into additional healthcare systems and cultures. The number of facilities, both domestically and internationally, where students can undergo bedside teaching during the clinical phase of their studies, is steadily increasing.

University Hospital of Torrejón
Avda. de Madrid esq C/ Turín
28850 Torrejón de Ardoz
Number of beds:

Hospital Universitario del Vinalopo
c/Tonico Sansano Mora, 14
03293 Elche
Number of beds:

Unión Murciana de Hospitales y Cliínicas
HLA La Vega
Calle Dr. Román Alberca, s/n | 30008 Murcia (Spain)
Hospital QuirónSalud Murcia
C Miguel Hernández, 12 | 30011 Murcia (Spain)
Number of beds:
ca. 1600