ReachHigher – Dr. med. Frank Starp gives lecture on “Data Analysis in Clinical Practice”

March 23, 2022

On March 22, 2022, a ReachHigher edition was held with Dr. med. Frank Starp from the UMFST-UMCH Teaching Hospital in Delmenhorst, the Delme Klinikum. The title of the presentation was “Know your enemy – You can find it in your data”.

In the course of the event, the Medical Director and Chief Physician of the Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery at Delme Klinikum emphasized the great importance of numbers in practice. He himself meticulously conducts data analysis and therefore knows about its importance. Using the example of patients suffering from diverticulitis, a disease of the large intestine, he explained how one can draw conclusions for one’s own decision-making from the various figures available in this regard. For example, one sometimes comes to the conclusion that surgery is too risky in certain cases and that it is therefore better not to perform it. The motto here is: Good surgeons can be recognized by the operations they do not perform. In addition, the data collected can often be used to determine which alleged causes of a medical problem are more likely to be interpreted as symptoms.

Both afterwards and before the actual lecture, during which there were intermediate questions as well as a discussion round at the end, the students present had the opportunity to exchange ideas with Dr. Starp, whom some of them already knew from their first clinical-practical stay in Delmenhorst.

