On Saturday, November 23, 2019, the UMCH Open Campus Day in Hamburg took place in a cheerful atmosphere. During the course of the day, interested applicants and international guests had the opportunity to attend guest lectures and experience anatomy simulations in addition to various presentations, and to inspect the cutting state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories of the campus. In addition, visitors from all over the world were able to inform themselves about their studies at UMCH in personal consultations and ask their own questions about studying medicine in Hamburg during a “Meet The DEAN” session with Dean Prof. Simona Muresan, Ph.D.
The day started with a lecture by the Medical Director of UMCH, Prof. Dr. med. Jobst Nitsch, who gave a lecture on the course and structure of studies. In addition, he discussed further advantages of studying at the campus in Hamburg, such as the sports program or financing possibilities. This general introduction was followed by a “teaser” lecture on anatomy by Prof. Dr. Mircea Muresan, who teaches this subject at UMCH. There was also a presentation of the different medical preparatory courses of the university by the respective lecturer for biology, Dr. Maria Panagiotou. In addition, the future students were able to get an idea of one of the many teaching hospitals of UMCH – the St. Josef Hospital in Moers, which was presented by Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Isenmann, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology.
Just like at the last Open Campus Day, the presentation of the virtual 3D anatomy and dissection table was the highlight of the day for many visitors. Prof. Dr. Mircea Muresan even demonstrated an examination using the innovative technology for the representation of anatomical structures, which the students will have to take themselves later.