A few weeks ago, the UMFST-UMCH Research Group in Advanced Biochemistry was launched, for which second- and third-year students interested in research were invited to apply. Within the student research group, students are assisted by mentors who assign them research topics based on their practical skills. In addition, lectures and workshops are offered on topics related to Biochemistry. The research activities will result in presentations at student conferences as well as the publication of articles.
Among the students from the Research Group in Advanced Biochemistry is Ivan Bergo, who recently presented a lecture at the Hamburg campus entitled “How does the ketogenic diet work?”.
Ivan is a second-year student at the Hamburg campus and learned about the Junior Researcher Academy at the beginning of his studies. “Here, the research process was explained to us. I found that very interesting. After all, I love to understand how things work. Research is the best way to get to the bottom of everything and discover new information”, Ivan says. In addition, he intends to pursue a career in academia after graduation. Therefore, he gladly accepted the offer of Prof. Amelia Tero-Vescan, who, besides teaching Biochemistry, is also the Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Medicine, to present some research results. His talk focused on the topic of weight loss from the perspective of the medical disciplines of Biochemistry and Physiology, and the extent to which insulin and glucagon play a role in this process. With his energetic and enthusiastic manner, he succeeded in captivating and inspiring the audience.