ReachHigher with Dr. Sixtus Allert

November 16, 2020
18:30 - 20:00
Event Series
ReachHigher with Dr. Sixtus Allert

Lecture: “Does the Healthcare Industry Ruin Health?”

On November 16, 2020, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Sixtus Allert at UMCH – in a new edition of our ReachHigher lecture series. Since 2006 he has been Chief Physician of the Clinic for Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery of the Sana Klinikum Hameln-Pyrmont and since 2009 its Medical Director. He regularly gives lectures and publishes scientific articles on the use of new media in medicine as well as on health policy issues. The title of Dr. Allert’s ReachHigher lecture also includes a question: “Does the Healthcare Industry Ruin Health?”.

The healthcare sector has been on the rise for years. In the last 10 years it has grown by a whopping 4.1 % in Germany. But to what extent does this affect people’s general health? Is it possible that this could even have negative consequences for us? In his lecture, Dr. Allert will examine possible connections and subsequently answer questions from the UMCH students in a discussion round.

We are looking forward to it!



Entertaining, innovative and condensed: At ReachHigher, experts from a network of extraordinary personalities give lectures on the topics of medicine and research as well as leadership/motivation.

UMCH’s ReachHigher lecture series pushes and strengthens the know-how of our students as well as their personal development – beyond their daily schedule. We look forward to accompanying you on your individual way to self-realization.

Learn more about it!