Junior Researcher Academy – Assoc. Prof. Mihai-Dorin Vartolomei, MD, PhD holds webinar on “Careers in the Research Sector”

May 11, 2021

Am 10.05. fand unter der Leitung des UMCH-Dozenten Prof. Vartolomei ein Webinar mit dem Titel „How to build a solid research career“ für die Studierenden des UMCH statt.On May 10, 2021, as part of the Junior Researcher Academy and led by UMCH lecturer Assoc. Prof. Mihai-Dorin Vartolomei, MD, PhD, a webinar entitled “How to build a solid research career” was held.

In addition to the almost infinite possibilities offered by the daily work as a researcher, the possible fields of work are also extremely diverse. In addition to working at universities – in teaching, for example – researchers are also in demand in business and politics as well as in the healthcare sector. Consequently, it is important to weigh up individually which area suits one best. But how do I build up a network of like-minded people by the time I start my career, in which I receive support and a productive exchange prevails? And how do I get research grants that will help me carry out my own projects at a location of my own choice abroad? In the course of the event, Prof. Vartolomei addressed these and many other questions that many students interested in research ask themselves. In addition, he reported on his own experiences in the research field. For example, he has received assignments from renowned universities abroad. He has also been able to attend numerous congresses, which are often even free of charge for students and residents.

In the Q&A session that followed, Prof. Vartolomei answered, among many others, the question of what qualities a mentor should possess in order to support students who are enthusiastic about research on their way to become scientists.