Number of practices:
21 locations
Number of beds:
18 (Augenklinik Bellevue)
Year of founding:
1985 (Augenklinik Bellevue)
2011 (Augenzentrum Kiel)
2023 (Praxis Elmshorn)
Over 450 employees in 21 locations
Surgical specialties at the Bellevue Eye Clinic
- Freedom from glasses
- Cataract Surgery
- Glaucoma surgery
- Cornea surgery
- Eyelid surgery
- Retina surgery
- Strabismus surgery
- Lacrimal duct surgery
Specialties at the Eye Center Kiel & Practice Elmshorn
- Ophthalmological care
- Preventive examinations
- Care of chronic eye diseases
- Preparation of expert opinions and certificates
About nordBLICK Eye Clinic Bellevue:
nordBLICK. This stands for the best ophthalmology in the region, Germany and all of Europe. At the nordBLICK Eye Clinic Bellevue, patients are offered the entire spectrum of modern ophthalmology. And that with internationally renowned specialists, state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality standards. The nordBLICKAugenklinik Bellevue is equipped with four ultra-modern operating rooms, a surgery room and a laser center. The network between the nordBLICK practices and the nordBLICK Eye Clinic Bellevue ensures holistic consultation and care in the treatment of patients.
About the nordBLICK Eye Center Kiel:
nordBLICK. This stands for the best ophthalmology in the region, Germany and throughout Europe. With proven specialists, maximum expertise and state-of-the-art technology. The network of 20 practices between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea offers patients comprehensive and local care throughout Schleswig-Holstein. One of the practices is the nordBLICK Augenzentrum Kiel. As one of the largest practices in Schleswig-Holstein, patients are offered a comprehensive range of diagnostic options to provide the most accurate and effective treatments.
Über die nordBLICK Praxis Elmshorn:
nordBLICK. Das steht für beste Augenheilkunde in der Region, Deutschland und ganz Europa. Mit ausgewiesenen Fachärzten, maximaler Expertise und modernster Technik. Durch den Verbund aus 20 Praxen zwischen Nord- und Ostsee wird den Patienten eine flächendeckende und ortsnahe Versorgung in ganz Schleswig-Holstein geboten. Eine der Praxen ist die nordBLICK Praxis Elmshorn. Durch ständige Fortbildung und die Nutzung der modernsten Technologien wird dafür gesorgt, dass die Augengesundheit der Patienten immer im Fokus steht.