Simona Silviana Muresan
Professional experience
University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures
Current Position
- Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in English of UMFST-UMCH
- Member of the Faculty of Medicine Council
- Member of the Department for International Relations – Institutional Coordinator for incoming ERASMUS students
- Member of the Quality Assurance Department
- Member of the Department for Internal Evaluation of the Curriculum and Study Programs – Coordinator for the Faculty of Medicine
From October 2016 – in present
- Associate Professor, Physiology Department
From October 2012 to September 2016
- Lecturer, Physiology Department
From February 2008 to September 2012
- Assistant, Physiology Department
From February 2005 to January 2008
- Associate Assistant, Physiology Department
County Hospital Targu Mures
From August 2017 – in present
- Senior Doctor in Gastroenterology
From June 2013 – in present
- Senior Doctor in Internal Medicine
From October 2010 to July 2017
- Specialist Doctor in Gastroenterology
From November 2007 to July 2013
- Specialist Doctor in Internal Medicine
- Residency in Gastroenterology
- Residency in Internal Medicine
Education and Training
September 2018 – Present
- Qualification awarded: Master Program in Health System Management
- Educational institution: University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology from Targu Mures
September 2014 – June 2016
- Qualification awarded: Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education
- Educational institution: Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Liverpool, UK
2007 – 2011
- Qualification awarded: PhD in Medicine
- Educational institution: University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures
2007 – 2011
- Qualification awarded: Competency in General and Special Ultrasonography
- Educational institution: University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj Napoca, Romania
1996 – 2002
- Qualification awarded: Bachelor Degree – Doctor/General Physician
- Educational institution: University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures
Additional information
Scientific publications
- 34 articles published in extenso: 15 articles in ISI indexed publications (14 articles as principal author) / 18 articles in BDI indexed publications (8 articles as principal author) / 5 articles in other categories
- 45 papers presented in scientific meeting (national and international)
- 1 grant obtained in national competition – Director (2008 – 2011)
- 1 international grant (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education) – Member (2016-2018)
- 6 national grants – Member (2006-2019)
- 13 international multicentric trials – Coinvestigator (2005 – 2010)
- 51 international and national congresses /meetings
- 32 international lectures/courses (Medical Education, Gastroenterology, Ultrasonography)
International Instructor
- 2016 – 2019: invited as international instructor for the Academic Teacher Training Course (ATTC), Center for International Health (CIH), Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Munich
- AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) – from 2017
Romanian Society of Physiology
Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
National expert
- Member in the National Register of Evaluators for The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) – since August 2017.
PhD Thesis
- Title: Clinic and Endoscopic Diagnosis of the Early Gastric Cancer
- Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Marius Sabau, UMF Tg. Mures
Principal Author
- Title: Noi tehnici de predare si evaluare în disciplinele medico-farmaceutice. Volumul 1.
- Authors: Nicolae Neagu, Simona Muresan, Edith Ianosi, Andreea Varga
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Noi tehnici de predare si evaluare în disciplinele medico-farmaceutice. Volumul 2 – Tutorial.
- Authors: Nicolae Neagu, Simona Muresan, Edith Ianosi, Andreea Varga
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Pacientul stomizat: anatomie, tehnica chirurgicala, îngrijire postoperatorie.
- Authors: Balmos Ioan, Muresan Mircea, Muresan Simona
- Publisher: Editura Petru Maior
- Title: Physiology Laboratory Exercises–Blood and Respiratory Function
- Authors: Orban-Kis K., Simona Muresan, Metz Iulia, Szocs Ildiko
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Functional Anatomy of the Abdominal Cavity
- Authors: Muresan Mircea, Brînzaniuc Klara, Moraru Liviu, Simona Muresan
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Fiziologie Umana: Aparatul cardiovascular. Îndreptar de lucrari practice
- Authors: Albu S., Dobreanu D., Metz Iulia, Simona Muresan, Orban-Kis K, Perian M., Scridon Alina, Szilagyi T.
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Softskills in Pediatrics: studiu asupra deprinderilor de comunicare în pediatrie
- Authors: O. Marginean, L. Melit, M. Chincesan, A. Pop, Simona Muresan, A. Varga, A.M. Georgescu, A. Gherasim, N. Suciu, L. Azamfirei, A. Gabor, B. Gausz, S. Grigolo, L. Pagana, E. Valenti, L. Grestl, D. Tolks, M. Fisher
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Atitudinea chirurgicala în patologia glandei tiroide
- Authors: Bara T., Kolcsar Melinda, Bancu s., Nicolescu C., Simona Muresan, Bara Tivadar jr., Muresan M.
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures (DVD)
Author for Chapters
- Title: Arterial pulse, în Physiology Laboratory Exercises – Cardiovascular System
- Authors: Simona Muresan, Szava I., Orban-Kis K.
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Blood pressure, în Physiology Laboratory Exercises – Cardiovascular System
- Authors: Orban-Kis K , Szava I, Simona Muresan
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Mechanograms, în Physiology Laboratory Exercises – Cardiovascular System
- Authors: Albu S. , Simona Muresan
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
Manuals for students
- Title: Lucrari practice de Fiziologie–sânge si functia respiratorie
- Authors: Orban-Kis K., Simona Muresan, Metz Iulia, Szocs Ildiko
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
- Title: Worksheets for Physiology Laboratory Exercises-Cardiovascular System
- Authors: Scridon A., Dobreanu D., Albu S., Gliga M., Lupu S., Metz I., Simona Muresan , Orban-Kis K., Perian M., Szava I., Serban R., Sus
- Publisher: University Press Tg. Mures
Articles published in extenso
ISI indexed publications, with Impact Factor- principal author
- Simona Muresan, MO Marginean, S Voidazan, I Vlasa, I Sîntean, Musculoskeletal ultrasound: a useful tool for diagnosis of hip developmental dysplasia. One single-center experience, Medicine, 2019, 98:2(e14081), DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000014081, ISSN: 0025-7974, IF 2017/2018 = 2,028.
- Simona Muresan, Anca Meda Georgescu, Leonard Azamfirei, Cristina Oana Marginean, David CM Taylor, Medical education in Romania: Tradition and Innovation, Medical Teacher, publ. on-line 20 ianuarie 2019, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X. 2018.1552932, ISSN: 0142-159X, IF 2017/2018 = 2,450.
- Simona Muresan, Mircea Muresan, Cvasciuc I Titus, Darie Ruxandra, Daniela Tatiana Sala, A prospective follow-up study on completion thyroidectomy for well-differentiated thyroid cancer: a single-center report, Ann Ital Chir, 2019, (in press), ISSN: 0003-469X. Digital Edition ISSN: 2239-253X, IF 2017/2018= 0.708.
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Brânzaniuc K, Sala D, Neagoe RM, Negative Pressure Wound Therapy of Open Abdomen and Definitive Closure Techniques After Decompressive Laparotomy: A Single-center Observational Prospective Study, Wounds, 2018; 30(10):310–316. Epub 2018 August 13, pii: WNDS20180813-1, ISSN: 1943-2704, IF 2017/2018= 1.593: correspondent author.
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Brânzaniuc K, Sala D, Neagoe RM, Negative Pressure Wound Therapy of Open Abdomen and Definitive Closure Techniques After Decompressive Laparotomy: A Single-center Observational Prospective Study, Wounds, 2018; 30(10):310–316. Epub 2018 August 13, pii: WNDS20180813-1, ISSN: 1943-2704, IF 2017/2018= 1.593: correspondent author.
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Brinzaniuc K, Voidazan S, Sala D, Jimborean O, Al Hussein H, Bara Tjr, Popescu G, Borz C, Neagoe R, How much does decompressive laparotomy reduce the mortality rate in primary abdominal compartment syndrome? A single-center prospective study on 66 patients, Medicine, 2017; 96(5): e6006. DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000006006, ISSN: 0025-7974, IF 2017/2018 = 2,028: correspondent author.
- Muresan Simona, Muresan M, Voidazan S, Neagoe R., The accuracy of musculoskeletal ultrasound examination for the exploration of meniscus injuries in
athletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2017 May; 57(5):589-94, DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.17.06132, ISSN: 0022-4707, IF 2017 = 1,210. (accepted december 2015)
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Bara T, Neagoe R, Sala D, Suciu B. Seguimiento remoto de la recaída de hernia después de procesos abiertos de plastia de la pared abdominal – estudio prospectivo que incluye 142 pacientes. (Hernia recurrence long term follow-up after open procedures of abdominal wall plasty – prospective study including 142 patients). Cir y Cir. 2016, 84(5): 376-383. ISSN: 0009-7411, IF 2016= 0.276: correspondent author.
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Bara T, Brinzaniuc K, Sala D, Suciu BA, Neagoe R. The intraabdominal pressure: A real indicator of the tension free principle during anterior wall repair procedure after incisional hernias. Ann. Ital. Chir., 2015; 86(5):421-426, published online 24 August 2015, pii: S0003469X15024215, Print ISSN: 0003-469X. Digital Edition ISSN: 2239-253X. IF 2015 = 0.395, correspondent author.
- Bara T, Bancu S, Muresan M, Bara T jr, Azamfirei L, Daniela Podeanu, Simona Muresan, Late hepatic metastasis in the evolution of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Hepato – Gastroenterology, 2010, nr.57 : 95-97, ISSN 0172-6390, IF 2010 = 0,677.
- Bara T, Gyorgy F,Muresan M, Daniela Podeanu, Bara T.jr , Simona Muresan, Two steps hepatic resection with right portal branch ligature followed by hepatectomy for metastasis of gastric cancer, Hepato- Gastroenterology, 2008, nr.55:1071-1072, ISSN 0172-6390, IF 2008 = 0,680.
ISI indexed publications, with Impact Factor- principal author
- Borz C, Muresan M, Jimborean O, Muresan Simona, Dorobantu D, Parente M, Jimborean G. Modified enteromesenteric bridging operation for primary lymphedema, Ann Ital Chir, 2018 Digital Edition ISSN: 2239-253X.E-pub August 2018, ISSN-0003-469X, IF 2017/2018= 0.708.
- C. Marginean, L.E. Melit, M. Chincesan, Simona Muresan, A.M. Georgescu, N. Suciu, A. Pop, L. Azamfirei, Communication skills in pediatrics – the relationship between pediatrician and child, Medicine 2017; 96(43): e8399. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008399. ISSN: 0025-7974, FI 2017=2,028.
- Muresan M, Jimborean O, Jimborean G, Neagoe R, Bancu S, Muresan Simona, Borz C, Crossover iliofemoral bypass graft through tension-free abdominal wall-repair mesh, Ann Ital Chir, 2017; 88(5): 433-437. Print ISSN: 0003-469X. Digital Edition ISSN: 2239-253X. IF 2017/2018= 0.708.
- Borz C, Bara T.Jr., Bara T, Suciu A, Denes M, Borz B, Marian D, Muresan Simona, Bacarea A, Muresan M, Jimborean G. Laparoscopic gastric plication for the treatment of morbid obesity by using real-time imaging of the stomach pouch, Ann. Ital. Chir., 2017; 88(5): 392-398. Print ISSN: 0003-469X. Digital Edition ISSN: 2239-253X. IF 2017/2018= 0.708.
- Bara T., s. Bancu, M.Muresan, Simona Muresan, L.Bancu, L.Denes, T.jr. Bara. Policystic liver disease with complications: Fenestration by laparoscopic approach, Chirurgia, 2012, vol 107 (6): 791-795, ISSN 1221-9118, IF 2012 =0,777.
ISI indexed publications, with Impact Factor- principal author
- Tatiana Daniela Sala, Simona Muresan, Ramona Roman, Alexandra Lazar, R. Ion, Ionela Pascanu, Hypercalcaemic Crisis Due to Primary Hyperparathyroidism – Report of Two Cases, The Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 2019; 5 (1), DOI: 10.2478/jccm-2019-0004: corespondent author.
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Al Husseim H, Brînzaniuc K, Neagoe R. Unusual anatomical variations finding in a case of acute pancreatitis: ectopic gallbladder inserted into accessory hepatic lobe. Chirurgia 2017; 30(3):107-112; DOI: 10.23736/S0394-9508.16.04634-9: corespondent author.
- Sala Daniela, Muresan Simona, Muresan M, Neagoe R. Multilevel brown tumors of the spine in a patient with severe secondary hyperparathyroidism A case report and review of the literature. Ann. Ital. Chir, Published online (EP) 31 March 2016, pii: S2239253x16024749, www.annitalchir.com, Digital Edition ISSN: 2239-253X: corespondent autor.
- Muresan M, Bancu S, Bara T, Bancu L, Turcu M, Muresan Simona, Recidiva tumorala locala dupa chirurgia conservatoare si rezecţia abdominoperineala în cancerul rectal, Revista Chirurgia, 2009, Vol 104 (4), pg. 23-25, ISSN 1221-9118.
- T.Bara, S.Bancu, M.Muresan, L.Bancu, L.Azamfirei, Simona Muresan, Gastric stromal tumor with liver and subcutaneous metastasis.Case report, Chirurgia, 2009, Vol.104 (5), pg. 621-624 , ISSN 1221-9118
BDI indexed publications
- Scurtu GA, Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Popescu G, Ion RM, Early Detection of Postoperative Evisceration by Measuring Intra-Abdominal Pressure: Case Report, Journal of Surgery (Jurnalul de chirurgie), 2018, 14(3): 133-134. DOI: 10.7438/1584-9341-14-3-8. ISSN: 1584-934, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Academic https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.pdf
- Ion RM, Muresan M, Sala D, Muresan Simona, Scurtu A, Neagoe RM, Multivisceral Resections in Advanced Gastric Cancer-Case Report, Journal of Surgery (Jurnalul de chirurgie), 2017; 13(4): 135-137, DOI: 10.7438/ 1584-9341-13-4-6, ISSN: 1584-9341, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Academic https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.pdf
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Popescu G, Sala D, Brinzaniuc K, Neagoe R, Abdominal Pressure Variations and Degree of Myorelaxation During Extra Abdominal Surgery. Journal of Surgery (Jurnalul de chirurgie), 2016; 12(4): 157-159. DOI: 10.7438/1584-9341-12-4-5, correspondent author, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Academic, https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.pdf
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Sala D, Gliga M, Halmaciu I, Brinzaniuc K, Popescu G, Neagoe R, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome – Severe Complication of Giant Abdominal Tumor: Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of Surgery (Jurnalul de chirurgie), 2016; 12(2): 83-85, DOI: 10.7438 /1584-9341-12-2-9. ISSN: 1584-9341, correspondent autor, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Academic https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.pdf
- Muresan M, Muresan S, Neagoe R, Brinzaniuc K, Winslow pathway developement in a patient with incisional hernia, Chirurgia, 2015; 28(6):229-231, Online ISSN 1827-1782, correspondent author, Scopus, EMBASE https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus
- Muresan Simona, Muresan M, Sala D, Neagoe R, Non-Peptic Ulcer Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients Treated with Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs for Musculo-articular Disorders. Journal of Surgery, 2015; 11(3): 227-228 DOI: 10.7438/1584-9341-11-3-3, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Academic https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.pdf
- Muresan Simona, Muresan M, Bara T, Neagoe R. Musculoskeletal ultrasound in exploration of shoulder pathology. Revista Româna de Anatomie funcţionala si clinica,macro/microscopica si de Antropologie, 2015;XIV(2):250-254, ISSN1583-4026, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- Muresan M, Muresan Simona, Bara T, Neagoe R, Bara T.jr, Popescu G, Sala D, Brinzaniuc K. Retromuscular mesh plastie of an anterior abdominal wall defect, using the peritoneal flaps and peroperative intraabdominal pressure monitoring.Case presentation, Revista Româna de Anatomie funcţionala si clinica, macro/microcroscopica si de Antropologie, 2015; XIV(2):260-263, ISSN 1583-4026, revista Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- Mircea Muresan, Tivadar Bara, Tivadar jr Bara, Arpad Torok, Klara Brinzaniuc, Simona Muresan, Evaluation of tension free principle during incisional hernia repair procedures by measuring the intraabdominal pressure, Indian Journal of Research, 2(9), 2013, 229-231, ISSN-2250-1991, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- I. Moldovan, T.S. Pop, Klara Branzaniuc, Alexandra Dobra, Simona Muresan, Aplicaţiile ecografiei în diagnosticul si monitorizarea pacienţilor cu traumatisme musculo-articulare, AMT, 2013, vol II, nr. 3, 114-116, ISSN-1453-1968, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- Moldovan, Simona Muresan, T.S. Pop,C. Trimbiţas, D.M. Iliescu, Klara Branzaniuc, Clinical and ethiopatological aspects of muscle and joint sports injuries, ARS Medical Tomitana, 2012, 4(71) : 179-183, ISSN -1223-9666, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- M.Muresan, T.Bara, Simona Muresan, M.Esianu, A.Torok, S.Ciulic, Klara Brînzaniuc : On-lay versus in-lay procedures in ventral incisional hernias repair, Revista Româna de Anatomie functionala si clinica, macro- si microscopica si de Antropologie, 2012, vol XI(2) : 228-232, ISSN 1583-4026, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- M.Muresan, T.Bara, s.Bancu, Simona Muresan, Alina Veronica Farcas, Daniela Sala, A.Torok, Klara Brînzaniuc, Model de reconstructie tension free a peretelui abdominal în defecte parietale gigante prin monitorizarea intraoperatorie a presiunii intraabdominale. Prezentare de caz. Jurnalul de Chirurgie (Iasi), 2012, Vol. 8(3), p.297-302, ISSN: 1584 – 9341, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Academic, https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.pdf
- Simona Muresan, Muresan M., Sabau M, Infectia cu Helicobacter pylori: Aspecte clinico-endoscopice si corelatii cu leziunile premaligne gastrice. Clujul Medical, 2011, Vol 84, supl 2/2:178-183, ISSN 1222-2119, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- Simona Muresan, M. Muresan, M. Esianu, T.Bara, S.Bancu, L.Denes ,T.Bara jr., Gastric Trichobezoar, Acta Medica Marisiensis, 2011, 57(5), 548-550, ISSN: 2247-6113, EBSCO, http://www.ebscohost.com
- Muresan M., Brînzaniuc Klara, Simona Muresan, Bara T., Bancu S., Halmaciu Ioana, Monitorizarea intraoperatorie a presiunii intraabdominale prin abord transvezical în interventiile chirurgicale laparoscopice, Clujul Medical, 2011, Vol 84 (2/2), pg. 93-97, ISSN-1222-2119, Index Copernicus, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/formjml
- Gomotîrceanu Adriana Maria, Simona Muresan, Gliga Mirela, Ultrasound of the upper digestive tube as an objective argument for initiating the treatment and evaluation of its results for the dyspeptic patient, Acta Medica Marisiensis, 2011, 57 (3), pg.90-193, ISSN: 2247-6113, EBSCO, http://www.ebscohost.com
- M. Muji, R. Ciupa, Daniela Dobru, P. Olah, Simona Muresan, V. Bacarea, Information System as Tools for Medical Research Activities, 1st International Conference of Medicine and Health Care Through Technology, Meditech 2007, September 2007, Cluj Napoca, Supliment-Acta Electrotehnica, 2007, Vol 4, p. 47-51, ISSN: 1841-3323, DOAJ, https://doaj.org/
Articles in extenso in other categories of publications
- T. Bara jr., I. Zs. Egyed, T. Bara, s. Bancu, M. Muresan, Simona Mocan, T. Ioniţa, Simona Muresan, The surgical treatment in stenotic cancer of the left colon, Revista de Medicina si Farmacie Tg.Mures, 2009;55(3), 327-329,ISSN 1221-2229, Categoria B.
- T. Bara, s. Bancu, M. Esianu, M. Muresan, T. Bara jr., L. Azamfirei, Daniela Podeanu, Simona Muresan, Consideraţii asupra a 12 ani de colecistectomie laparoscopica în Clinica Chirurgie II Târgu-Mures, Revista de Medicina si Farmacie, Tg. Mures, 2008, Vol. 54 (2): 211-215, ISSN 1221-2229, Categoria B.
- Daniela Dobru, Simona Muresan, Angela Borda, Simona Mocanu, Simona Stolnicu, Corelarea aspectelor endoscopice ale mucoasei gastrice obtinute prin endoscopia cu magnificatie, cu aspecte clinicopatologice, Revista de Medicina si Farmacie, Tg. Mures, 2007, Vol. 53: 118-123, ISSN 1221-2229, Categoria B.
- Daniela Dobru, O. Pascu, M. Diculescu, I. Sporea, Simona Muresan, Alina Boeriu, N. Seuchea, M. Muresan, P. Olah, M. Muji, Program de supraveghere prin sistem informatizat a leziunilor esofagiene si gastrice cu potential malign, Revista de Medicina si Farmacie, Tg. Mures, 2007, vol. 53: 54-57, ISSN 1221-2229, Categoria B.
- Daniela Dobru, Alina Boeriu, Simona Muresan, N. Seuchea: Aplicaţii clinice ale metodei de coagulare cu plasma argon în endoscopia digestiva, Revista de Medicina si Famacie Tg. Mures, 2005, vol. 50 :1-6, ISSN 1221-2229.
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