Prof. Leonard Azamfirei, PhD
Work Experience
University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș
Since 2012
- Rector of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș (UMFST)
Since 2010
- PhD supervisor/coordinator
Since February 2009
- Professor, UMPhST Târgu Mureș
- Attending Anesthesiology and Critical Care Physician
- Dean, Faculty of Medicine
- Vice-dean, Faculty of Medicine
February 2007 – February 2009
- Associate Professor, UMPh Târgu Mureș
February 2005 – February 2007
- Lecturer, UMPh Târgu Mureș
County Emergency Clinical Hospital of Târgu Mureș
- Anesthesiology and Critical Care Resident, Specialist, Attending physician
Center for Medical Research Târgu Mureș
- Anesthesiology and Critical Care research assistant
Education and Training
2005 – Present
- Qualification awarded: Anesthesiology and Critical Care Attending physician
- Educational institution: Ministry of Health / National Centre for Physician Training
1994 – 1999
- Qualification awarded: Medical Specialist in Anesthesiology
- Educational institution:Ministry of Health / National Centre for Physician Training
1992 – 1995
- Qualification awarded: PhD in medical sciences
- Educational institution: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu Mureș
1986 – 1992
- Qualification awarded:Physician – Doctor
- Educational institution:Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Târgu Mureș
2004 – 2007
- Qualification awarded: Licensed in Juridical Sciencer
- Educational institution: Spiru Haret University Bucharest, Faculty of Law and Public Administration
Additional information
- Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
- Vicepresident – National Council of RectorsNational Council for Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) – President of the Appeals Board, field of Medicine
- Vice-President of the Mureş County College of Physicians
- Member in the Senate of the Romanian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive CareSecretary/treasurer of the Committee for European Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA – Romanian Chapter)
- President of the Romanian Society for Applied Simulation in Medicine
Scientific publications
- author of more than 250 scientific publications (57 ISI publications)
Scientific books
- author of 29 published books 6 of which as first author and 2 chapters in international books; 25 chapters in collective volumes published in Romania.
Research project
- director of 2 international projects and 3 national projects, member in 5 other national projects and 1 international one
Institutional projects
- coordinator for 9 national institutional development projects and member in other 6 projects.
Invited Speaker
- at the Anesthesiology Congresses from Hungary, the Republic of Moldova and the Congress of the European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA-Autumn Meeting 2013)
- The Journal of Critical Mare Medicine – ISI Web of Science Indexed – ESCI Thomson Reuters;
Management courses
- Research Management
- Resource Management and University Sustainability
- Member in the editorial committees of British Medical Journal – Romanian edition, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embriology (ISI rated), Romanian Journal of Chemistry (ISI rated), Romanian Journal of Anesthesiology-Intensive Care (PubMed indexed), Acta Medica Marisiensis (EBSCO indexed), Health Policies and The Romanian Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis.
- 240 Citations in the ISI Web ok Knowledge, Hirsch Index: 9.
- National Research Council (CNCSIS) Evaluator; The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) Expert.
- Certificate for ICH Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP), TransCelerate BioPharma, 2016.
- Participant in exchange programs and common projects with: Academic Hospital in Utrecht, the Netherlands; University of Seoul, South Korea; Mount Sinai Hospital, New York; Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; University of Barcelona, Spain
- Doctor Honoris Causa – Medical University of Chisinau, Moldova
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am Mieresch Campus Hamburg
Albert-Einstein-Ring 11-15
22761 Hamburg, Deutschland
Mo. – Fr.: 09:00 – 18:00