Assoc. Prof. Mircea-Gabriel Muresan



Assoc. Prof. Mircea-Gabriel Muresan


Professional experience

University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures

Current Position (Since 2017)

  • Associate Professor – Anatomy Department

From 2014 to 2017

  • Lecturer – Anatomy Department

From 2009 to 2014

  • Assistant – Anatomy Department

From 2009 to 2013

  • PhD Student – Coordinator: Professor Klara Brinzaniuc


Emmergency County Hospital of Targu Mures, Surgery Clinic No.2

Current Position (Since 2014)

  • Senior Surgeon – Code MS -1044/2013

From 2009 to 2014

  • Specialist surgeon – code M.S. nr. 2025/2008

From 2003 to 2008

  • Resident doctor in Surgery – code M.S.F. 2518/24.11.2002

From 1999 to 2002

  • Psycho-Pedagocy specialisation – code D/0038316

From 1996 to 2002

  • Doctor – Graduation of General Medicine of University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures, Score 9.82 , Diploma code U/0052402/ 02.04.2003

Additional information

12.11.2013 – 16.11.2013

  • Diploma: Curs de dezvoltare a aptitudinilor practice în chirurgia laparoscopica (Development of Practical Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery). Cluj Napoca. 30.09.2016-01.10.2016

30.09.2016 – 01.10.2016

  • Tumorile tubului digestiv din perspectiva multidisciplinară. (Multidisciplinary Approach of Digestive Tract Tumors) Targu Mures;


  • RFA venous closure – Bucharest

Teaching and medical activities publications


Projects earned in national competitions:

  1. Title: Depistarea precoce si conduita terapeutica în sindromul de compartiment abdominal de cauze primare prin monitorizarea transvezicala a presiunii intraabdominale. (Early identification and therapeutical aproach of primary abdominal compartment syndrome by monitorisaring the transvesical intrabdominal pressure) Function – project manager Competition – CIGCS – september 2015. Financial term : 1 year. Total value – 21950 RON.
  2. Title: Optimizarea diagnosticului si terapiei precoce a a cancerului de tract digestiv superior in contextul cromodiagnosticului si a endoscopiei cu magnificatie. (Optimasing the diagnosys and early therapy of upper digestive tract cancer using the chromodiagnosys and magnification endoscopy) Function – researcher Competition – CEEX, 2006/68 , Modul I Project manager: Professor. Dobru Daniela. Financial term: 2 years. Total value – 1 164 400 RON .
  3. Studiu observational prospectiv a ratei recidivei eventratiilor postoperatorii dupa plastiile peretelui abdominal cu plase prin monitorizarea presiunii intraabdominale (Prospective obsevational study of incisional hernia reccurence rate after abdominal wall plasties using meshes by monitorising the intrabdominal pressure) – Function: researcher – Competition: POSDRU, DocMed.net_2.0, ID project 136893 – contract no. 5420/16.05.2014 – Financial term: 01.07.2014-30.10.2015


  1. Functional Anatomy of the abdomen. Ed.University Press Tg.Mures 2014, ISBN 978-973-169-280-7.
  2. Rapel de anatomie a esofagului.(Reminder of the esophagus anatomy) in Radu Mircea Neagoe. Esofagectomia pentru cancer.(Esophagecthomy for cancer) Petru Maior University Press. 2014: 9-15, ISBN: 978-606-581-061-7.
  3. Anatomie si fiziologie umana pentru admiterea la facultaţile de medicina (Human anatomy and physiology for admission in medical faculties), University Press, 2014. ISBN:978-973-169-277-7.
  4. Tratamentul paleativ al cancerului gastric (Paleativ treatment of gastric cancer) in: Bara Tivadar jr. Tratamentul chirurgical al cancerului gastric. (Surgical treatment of gastric cancer), University Press Tg.Mures 2015: 160 – 172, ISBN: 978-973-169-392-7.
  5. Pacientul stomizat. Anatomie, tehnica chirurgicala, îngrijire postoperatorie. (Patient with colostoma. Anatomy, surgical technique and postoperative care) Petru Maior University Press 2018. ISBN: 978-606-581-173-7.
  6. Bones of the human body. University Press 2019, ISBN 978-973-169-587-7
  7. Limbs anatomy. University Press 2019, ISBN 978-973-169-588-4


  1. ISI Web of Science journals indexed with impact factor
    First author – 6 articles
    Main author – 6 articles
    Co-author – 9 articles
  2. ISI Web of Science journals indexed without impact factor
    First author – 4 articles
    Main author – 1 article
    Co-author – 4 articles
  3. International database journals indexed
    First author – 8 articles
    Main author – 10 article
    Co-author – 12 articles


  1. ISI Web of Science journals supplements indexed
    First author – 10 articles
    Co-author – 21 articles
  2. Others National and International Conferences Abstract Books
    First author – 7 articles
    Co-author – 51 articles


  1. Claryvate Analytics
    56 citations
    H-index: 5
  2. Google scholar
    109 citations
    H-index: 7


Erasmus Mobilities

  • Teaching Staff Exchange Program – Universita degli Studi Di Parma – 15-19 may 2013
  • Clasic and modern methods for molecular diagnostics in human pathology, Erasmus Inthensiv Programme. Transilvania University, Brasov, 14-25 may 2012

Other mobilities

  • 10 participations at National Congresesand conferences of Surgery – 2003 -2018 Romania
  • 4 participations at National Congress of Anatomy 2003 – 2018
  • The 17th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons , Gastroenterologists and Oncologists , september 5th-8th , 2007 , International Conference Center , The Palace of Parliament, Bucharest , Romania
  • 1st Central European Congress of Surgery , april 24-26 , 2008 , Prague , Czech Republic
  • The 2nd Central European Congress of Surgery and 3rd International Pancreatic days; april 22-24 , 2009, Katowice, Poland
  • The 3rd Central European Congress of Surgery, Norman Barett Symposium & 5th Croatian Congress of Surgery with International participation ;april 28-mai 1st ,2010 Dubrovnik , Croatia
  • The 23th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons , Gastroenterologists and Oncologists , september 16th-21th , 2013 , International Conference Center , The Palace of Parliament , Bucharest , Romania
  • The 51st Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. May 25-28, 2016, Prague

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Universitätsmedizin Neumarkt
am Mieresch Campus Hamburg


Albert-Einstein-Ring 11-15

22761 Hamburg, Deutschland


Mo. – Fr.: 09:00 – 18:00


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