Associate professor Ioana Balgradean


ioana balgradean

Associate professor Ioana Balgradean


Professional experience

University of Medicine and Pharmacology ‚Carol Davila‘

February 2018-present

  • Senior Lecturer

February 2013-October 2014

  • Lecturer

English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Geneva

October 2010-August 2012

  • Lecturer

Syni, Service du Travail et de l’Intégration, Lausanne

Sept 2011-Sept 2012 / April 2007-August 2008

  • English Instructor

English Department, Faculty of Letters,
University of Geneva

October 2005-October 2010

  • Research and Teaching Assistant

October 2003-October 2005

  • Monitor


University of Geneva


  • PhD in English Language, Literature and Civilisation
    *Summa cum laude and imprimatur for doctoral thesis entitled “The Poet’s Grasp at Emotion: Medieval Configurations of Sloth” (supervisor: Prof. Guillemette Bolens)


  • Licenciate in Letters:English (major), Art History (major), History and Anthropology of Religions (minor)


  • Swiss Maturity Certificate


Bilingual High-School ‚George Cosbuc‘, Bucharest

  • National Baccalaureate Diploma



  • 2018: “Swaddling and the Logics of Verticality: What Cognitive Perspectives Do Images from the Past Open for Us?”. 52(4): 6-10
  • 2018: “Through the Lens of Syncopated Knowledge. When Physicians and Poets Scrutinise Cardiac Disorder”. Maedica. A Journal of Clinical Medicine 13(2): 95-100
  • 2017: “The Angel and the Foot: On Dealing with Time and Cultural Transmission”. Journal18 ( with-time-and-cultural-transmission-by-ioana-balgradean/)
  • 2013: “The Challenge of Corporeity: Fictionalising the Emotional Body”. Maedica. A Journal of Clinical Medicine. 86-91.
  • 2013: “Corps émus et logique de l’écart”. Eds. Noémie Etienne and Agnes Vannouvong. A bras le corps. Dijon: Presses du Réel. 17-28.
  • 2013: “Actions sensibles et translatio: la configuration du jardin dans la littérature médiévale”. Eds. Daniel Barbu, Philippe Borgeaud, Youri Volokine. Mondes clos. Cultures et jardins. Lausanne: Infolio. 273-291.
  • 2012: The Poet’s Grasp at Emotion : Medieval Configurations of Sloth. Doctoral thesis ( )
  • 2011:Index. Medieval and Erly Modern Authorship. SPELL 25. Eds. Guillemette Bolens and Lukas Erne. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
  • 2009:“Narrating Sloth in Medieval Literature: The Knowledge of Feelings” Eds. Indira Ghose and Denis Renevey. The Construction of Textual Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. SPELL 22. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. 47-61.
  • 2005: Silence, Break-Off and Open Endings: Instances of Self-Conscious Textuality in Chaucer’s House of Fame, The Squire’s Tale and Manciple’s Tale. Bibliothèque de l’Université de Genève.


  • 2019: “Cand rana este hrana”, Conference Incursiune in patologia pediatrica: intre antropologie si tehnologii omice (Bucharest)
  • 2012: “Corporeity, Emotion, and Medieval Poetics” (The Society for the Social History of Medicine Conference 2012 Emotions, Health and Wellbeing, Queen Mary, University of London)
  • 2011: “Corps émus et logique de l’écart” (A bras le corps, University of Geneva, Haute École d’Art et de Design, Geneva)
  • 2011: “Jardins et translatio dans la littérature médiévale” (Mondes clos. Cultures et jardins, University of Geneva)
  • 2010: “Corps émus et événements poétiques” (paper presented in a workshop of the research project Identité, Corps, Sujet, Haute Ecole de Santé, Geneva)
  • 2010: Panel moderator, Medieval and Early Modern Authorship, SAMEMES Conference, UNIGE
  • 2009: “Imaging the Heart : a Case Study” (intervention in a workshop of the CUSO conference Literature and the Environment, UNIGE)
  • 2009: “L’émotion et le corps: une écriture médiévale” (paper presented in a workshop of the research project A ffective Sciences: Emotion in Individual Behaviour and Social Processes directed by Klaus Scherer, Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives, Geneva)
  • 2008: Co-organiser of CUSO Conference Women and the Theatre hosted by the University of Geneva, the Théâtre de la Comédie (Geneva) and the Bodmer Foundation (Geneva)
  • 2008: “Narrating Sloth in Medieval Literature: The Knowledge of Feelings” (SAMEMES Conference Pretexts, Intertextualities, and the Construction of Textual Identity, University of Bern)
  • 2007: “Late Medieval Remedies for Sloth : The Body of the Beloved Phantasm” (CUSO-SAMEMES Conference Medieval and Early Modern English Texts and Contexts, University of Lausanne)
  • 2006: “Ovid and Gower: The Philomela Story and the Limits of Identity” (CUSO Conference Medieval and Early Modern English Texts and Contexts, University of Geneva)

Scientific Collaborations:

  • 2010-2012: Collaboration in research project SINERGIA: La Fabrique des savoirs (supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • 2009-2010: Collaboration in research project Identité, Corps, Sujet (supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • 2008-2009: Collaboration in research project Affective Sciences – Emotions in Individual Behaviour and Social Processes, Project 12: Myths and rites as cultural expression of emotion, (Swiss National Centre for Competence in Research, Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences)

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Universitätsmedizin Neumarkt
am Mieresch Campus Hamburg


Albert-Einstein-Ring 11-15

22761 Hamburg, Deutschland


Mo. – Fr.: 09:00 – 18:00


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